Hi there, I’m Renee – the human behind Human Stories

As a Brand and Storytelling Coach, I’m here to help you move from confusion to clarity when it comes to developing your brand and telling your story out in the big wide world. 

I specialise in helping businesses and individuals build a human brand – because people buy from people, and human connection is the heart of effective marketing!

You’ll work with me right from the initial ‘check the fit’ call, through to project completion.

What you can expect when working with me

My Story

At the beginning of 2023, I was at a crossroads in my business.

I’d clocked up several years as a Content Writer.

I had some awesome clients. I loved interviewing passionate business owners and helping them tell their stories.

Words by Human Stories had appeared online at NZ Entrepreneur, and in magazines like Palmy Proud, and Good magazine.

But I no longer felt excited about my business. Being a writer for hire didn’t cut it anymore.

It was time to make a big change.

I could see two options.

Close Human Stories. Become an employee again and lose the flexibility that drove me to set up my business in the first place.

Or, dig deep and reinvent myself and my business…

I chose the latter. That meant asking myself hard questions like, what are my core values? How can I help people? What’s my point of difference? What do I really want?

And, the missing part of the puzzle revealed itself!

As a former teacher, I wanted to share my knowledge of copywriting, marketing, and storytelling with other business owners to help them succeed – educating others is one of my key values.

So I set myself a new goal – to become a Brand and Storytelling Coach.

I got support from a coach who challenged me to share my personal brand in public.

And with a fresh brand strategy in place, things started to change.

Now, I felt more confident about my marketing.

And new clients say things like “I’ve seen you on social media and you’re the person to help me develop my brand”.

It’s a privilege to work with other business owners to help them attract their ideal humans.

Seeing clients have ‘aha!’ moments is awesome!

If you want support from a coach who takes a practical, down-to-earth approach, I’d love to hear from you.