Hi there, I’m Renee – the human behind Human Stories

You’re here because you want to shout your brand’s story from the rooftops. And guess what?

As a storytelling & content marketing strategist, I’m here to help you develop your brand and tell your story out in the world. 

I specialise in helping business owners build a human-centred brand, because here in the Manawatū region we’re big on connection.

Here’s what sets Human Stories apart – it’s personal. My clients appreciate face-to-face meetings, genuine conversations, and a partnership built on trust. Plus, some laughter in the mix too.

I’ve helped loads of business owners tell their stories over the years and I understand the importance of having a brand that reflects your values.

You deserve to have a brand you’re proud of!

With a background in teaching, copywriting, and strategic storytelling I bring a unique combo of skills and perspectives to your project.

As a strategist, my job to ask questions, listen between the lines, and help you make connections you might not have thought of. I can also write words that will bring your brand to life.

What you can expect when working with me


When I’m not working, I enjoy pounding the pavement with the family pooch, soaking up the vibes in cafes, and going on family mountain-biking adventures.

My style is direct and down-to-earth. If that’s what you’re looking for, I’m your person.

It’s time to move from confusion to clarity. Let’s get started!